My path in cartoon making
There was a period in my life, when I tried myself in making cartoons. Here are few facts about it:
Fristly i published it on my instagram and signed myself as Ralf Fleming.
Initial works were based on the photos, that served as background.
All cartoons were drawn by the finger on the tablet. Every frame - individualy, so each movie took a lot of time to create
First steps in cartoons
First steps in cartoons

Bunny with dandelions


The power of love

Plaid and tea
The topics I explore in my cartoons are connected with nature and ecology, and with warm feelings to the creatures, that surround us.
The cartoons "Cloud fish" and "Earth adventure" refere to the disappointing ecological state of our planet. I hope, that people, who see this cartoonds, would think more about the ecology and endangere species.
Another series of cartoons is about the bunny. The bunny loves its carrot and nature around. The episode "Fisherbunny" is authobiographical, cause it was based on my own experience of preparing for exams, sitting near my father.